Summer Water Usage

When temperatures start to rise and rain decreases, many people feel the need to water lawns and gardens, fill up the back yard swimming pool, wash the car, etc. Inevitably this leads to an increase in water usage. The increased usage can lead to not just a higher water bill, but also an increase in your sewer charge if outdoor water usage is not from a separate irrigation meter.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a great resource for helpful water (and money) saving tips. Click here to visit the EPA's list of ways to help you reduce your family's water usage. 

Remember: an unexpectedly high water bill can be also be due to a leak in your plumbing, even if you are not seeing evidence of a leak. If your bill arrives with a "POSSIBLE LEAK" notification on the top, your water meter had registered at least 24 hours of continuous water flow when the last meter reading was taken by our employee. Visit this page to learn how you can verify whether you have a water leak, and what steps you can take to follow-up on an issue.